This was the question Joseph asked himself when Potiphar's wife asked him to lay with her.
"How can I do this wickedness and sin against my God?"
For Joseph, having an affair with Potiphar's wife wasn't only going to displease Potiphar if found out, but it would affect his relationship with his God.
How often have you called yourself to order? Where are your standards? Where are your deliberately upheld principles? What are your no no's? Your never never!
For Joseph, prison was better than compromising. Laying with his master's wife was a NO NO!
Daniel decided in his heart that he will not defile himself with the portion of the king's meat, nor with the wine which he drank. This was the resolution Daniel made in his heart in honour to his God.
(He refused to eat because the royal delicacies were dedicated to Babylonian gods.)
Have you made this kind of resolution to honour God with your choices, your body, to please Him in the face of opposition or rejection. Have you decided that no matter the pressure, you will not compromise your standards? 🤷
That's commendable if you have. 👏👏
Here's something Daniel did. (Daniel 1:8) He requested that the eunuchs should rather give them vegetables and water instead of the king's delicacies.
He did not wait to be served the sumptuous meals before rejecting it. It would have been difficult to reject at that point. So, he first went and registered his concern. This is great lesson.
Run from sin and temptations.
Yes, that's the lesson. Run from it. Don't think you can handle it. You won't. Just run. Try and run. 🏃🏃
Grace is available, but don't think you are in control of the grace.
You are not the regulator of grace. The God of all grace cannot be mocked. He releases it when your obedience is fulfilled. You show willingness, then He supplies the grace for escape.
Don't wait untill the mouth-watery temptations comes to you. Flee before it arrives.
Don't Give In
Proverbs 1:10 warns, "My Son, if sinners entice thee, do not consent."
Raise your standards. Yes, raise them. Life will always press you hard against the lines and boundaries. No one will raise your standard but you. If you leave it, then you will soon enjoy what you once rebuked.
That is the stage of destruction! Proverbs 25:28 says, "He that has no rule over his own spirit is like a city that is broken down and without wall."
Make God's word your walls, your standards and your boundary. Don't let pleasure break it, because there are serpents without.
Remember, he that breaks the hedge, the serpent shall bite. (Eccl 10:8)
It may not happen immediately, but sin is a seed. When planted, expect the fruit. Better not plant it at all.
Ask yourself like Joseph, how can I do this wickedness and sin against MY God?
Then move on like Daniel and arrange for a godly alternative before fleeing become too difficult. Protect your relationship with God.
God bless you. Have a great day. #goodlifewrites #thefearofGod
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