This man.. Small boy like you don get pot belly. For your mind, you be big man. 😂 Gerrout jor.
AB, you no try o.. You know say I no dey hide my mouth. I met Udeme last two months, and she said you evicted her. Guy wait oh, shae you be father of nations, or father of your small head. 🤷
AB, you don forget wetin Abraham mean? It means 'father', and to be father no be beans. I understand the stress of bearing other people’s burdens and excesses. Remember school days guy.. Na you teach us hospitality by example. 💚💚💚
Na you ask am make she come stay with you since she lost her job and could not renew her rent. Guy you forget say she be your sister; and family should be there for one another. 🫂🫂
She was making plans to leave, which you knew she was 80% ready.
🖐️ Ette, keep your excuses, it is never easy to be good sometimes. Like Jesus, you may have to walk long distance to raise Lazarus.
I guess this one was tough for you, but you acted hastily.
She told me what happened; you haven’t told me your version sha, but you and l know that WE LIVE FOR OTHERS not ourselves.
Guy, no throwey your name o. A father does not abandon his children. You turned down her attempts to apologize three times.
🧓Mumsi even called you and you've been ignoring her calls and invitations.
AB, your father left her in your care. You became her father, AB, and should so behave.
Sha that’s by the way. Ukeme is coming back to see you. She has her place, she just wants to see you. Guy, listen to that girl. 🙄
Can’t believe you’re ignoring your aging mum because of this issue. 🤨 You know she will scold you.. Examine your heart, AB. Has unforgiveness rented a flat there?
Guy, go see that old woman. God forbid she passes on before your head clear.
Will you forgive yourself?
Can you live with that? The consciousness that you ignored your aging mum till she passed.. 😨
I’m in the car across the road, opposite your house. Ukeme is at the door. I know you’re at home. I just want to see you let her in, and l will drive away.
If you still refuse. If you refuse, then consider a change of name.
Abrahams forgive and restore their erring children. Do so, AB, please. 🙏
I dey watch. That knock is hers. 🏠
#Fatherhood #Love #Forgiveness
#GoodlifeWrites #GoodlifeFoundation
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