In 2019, I wrote on Paul's counsel to the Roman churches concerning their dealings with one another, especially the new converts. The early church was blessed with multitude of converts.
Their spirits had been saved, but their minds had to gradually undergo RENEWAL, and that would be achieved through teachings and love.
Teaching, because as these converts fellowship with the believers, they learn the ways of God, and the doctrines of their new faith.
It would take a gradual process for them to DECONSTRUCT the old doctrines in their hearts and ADAPT to the new things they were learning.
Since they were religious and conscientious people, intolerance was easily found in their dealings with the converts.
Paul advised, 'Him that is weak in faith, receive ye, but not to doubtful disputation.' Romans 14:1
This means they should avoid unnecessary arguement with believers who shared variant perspective on religious issues.
If you know better, Paul advised that you should treat the 'weak in faith' with caution and love.
Could that be the same message the Spirit is telling us today?
The entire chapter 14 is a message on tolerance and exemplary living.
In verse 21, Paul added, 'It is good neither to eat flesh nor drink wine nor anything whereby THY BROTHER stumbles or is made weak.'
Now here is a conscience issue. In Bible days, there were many doctrinal variations and debates on food: strangled meat, drinks, and holy days.
Some people revered some days over others and some condemned some food. It was easy to offend someone who was not yet convinced that eating pork meat for instance didn't defile him; that doing some manual labour on the Sabbath day attracted no punishment in Grace.
These were delegate issues. There are still delegate today because some people joining up in our churches come from divergent doctrinal backgrounds.
If we are hard and too strict on UPHOLDING DOCTRINES other than Jesus, then we will lose the harvest of God.
Paul made a powerful statement, 'Has thou faith? Have it to thyself before God.' Rom 14:22
Don't IMPOSE your beliefs on another believers.
Whatever you have to teach, do so in love. Also, anything the strength of your faith offers you the liberty to participate, ensure it doesn't discourage another.
Let your strength help others GROW, not bring them down. Let your actions and words EDIFY another and not injure them.
'Let us therefore follow after the things which make for PEACE and things wherewith one may EDIFY another.' Romans 14:19
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